When continuous rotational invariance of a two-dimensional fluid is broken to the discrete, dihedral subgroup D 6 -the point group of an equilateral triangle-the resulting anisotropic hydrodynamics breaks both spatial-inversion and time-reversal symmetries, while preserving their combination. In this work, we present the hydrodynamics of such D 6 fluids, identifying new symmetry-allowed dissipative terms in the hydrodynamic equations of motion. We propose two experiments-both involving high-purity solid-state materials with D 6 -invariant Fermi surfaces-that are sensitive to these new coefficients in a D 6 fluid of electrons. In particular, we propose a local current imaging experiment (which is present-day realizable with nitrogen vacancy center magnetometry) in a hexagonal device, whose D 6 -exploiting boundary conditions enable the unambiguous detection of these novel transport coefficients.