Abstract. In this paper, we consider disk based exploration in priced timed automata for resource-optimal scheduling. State spaces for large problems can easily go beyond the main memory capacity. We propose the use of hard disk to store the generated state space induced by priced timed automata. We contribute three algorithms: External Breadth First Search for reachability analysis in ordinary timed automata, External Breadth First Branch-and-Bound for cost-optimal reachability analysis in priced timed automata, and Iterative Broadening External Breadth First Branch-and-Bound for a partial exploration in priced timed automata. The third algorithm achieves its completeness by trying to find an upper bound on the optimal solution in an incomplete search tree. Iteratively, the upper bound is made tighter and the coverage of the search space is widened. We present correctness and completeness proofs for the suggested algorithms along with experimental results on different instances of aircraft landing scheduling to validate the practicality of our approach.