The culture of the school success emphasizes potentialities and possibilities of educational agents and educational institutions. It represents a counterpoint to the culture of failure which has a rigid and deterministic understanding of difficulties, deficiencies and limitations, and focused on individuals. In the culture of success, human potentialities are the result of social relations that engender the individuals' development in a dialectic, interactive and indirect way. Successful practices are presented as activities related to the culture of success and, at the same time, to the materialities that make possible to School Psychologist to accomplish. To have a better understanding of the theoretical and methodological background of the actions in the success perspective, this master course research was conducted involving eight school psychologists of the Specialized Team of Learning Support (STLS) of the Department of Education of the Federal District (DEFD). Through interviews, field observations and conversations this study investigated the participants' conceptions about successful practices, identified the theoretical and methodological contributions that were used and also analyzed successful actions into practice in the school routine. These pieces of information were analyzed, based on cultural-historical perspective of human development, from the process, situations and the set of conditions that lead to their accomplishment, originating three zones of meanings: (a) identification and development of the potentialities of educational agents, (b) expansion of conceptions and psychological assessment practices, (c) institutional activities with educational agents. As a result, it is noted that successful practices are composed by many aspects that involves the actions' planning, developing and evaluations steps. It was found that success indicators in successful practices are especially related to the psychologists' actions and conceptions. They believe in the interdependency between the development of the individuals within school and school dynamic, institutional relationships and educational processes. Moreover, it was also observed indicators related to participants' recognition about their role in mediating development processes of individual's potentialities, including student, teacher, pedagogue, principal. It is hoped this research may impact the training and professional practice in School Psychology, as well as researches and public policies of the area, so there are subsides to practices that matches with the success perspective, committed to social demands and changes of situations of inequality and social injustice.