Solar prominences are spectacular features on the Sun. They have been investigated for many decades, but the structure and dynamics of prominences is still not fully understood. They are highly dynamic and relatively cool compared with the surrounding corona. On the solar limb, they appear as a huge sheet of plasma. They are known as filaments when observed as dark, thin ribbon-like structures on the solar disk. Prominences usually lie above the magnetic polarity inversion lines. They are mainly of two types: Active region prominences, which are found near the active regions, and quiescent prominences (QP), which are found between the diffused active region boundaries. QPs are more stable than the active region prominences. Polar crown prominences (PCP) are high latitude quiescent prominences. They often appear as chains of chromospheric plasma and thick pillars. Some theoretical models have been proposed to explain the magnetic structure and stability of prominences. High resolution observations are needed, however, for the better understanding of prominence structure and verifying theoretical models. In the beginning, they were mainly observed in Hα line at 6563Å but now prominences are more often observed in extreme ultra violet (EUV) wavelengths. This allows the researchers to study a broader range of prominence characteristics. With the launch of the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), we have excellent high resolution images for the study of structure and dynamics of prominences. This thesis mainly focuses on the study of quiescent prominences. The structure and flows of quiescent prominences have been investigated. For this purpose, SDO images with high spatial and temporal resolution have been used. The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) data has been combined with the SDO data to infer the threedimensional geometry of prominences when the spacecraft were roughly 90 degrees to the Earth-Sun line. This separation angle is extremely useful to study prominences which are observed by SDO on limb and simultaneously seen as filaments on the solar disk from the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft. Two different types of quiescent prominences are investigated; one polar crown prominence and the other rather active, tornado-like quiescent prominence. The structure and evolution of the PCP is investigated in detail. It is found that the prominence pillars are separated by many tens of Mm. They are connected with each other by dynamic bridges of cold and hot plasma, that can be seen in 304/171 Å images. The SDO images show strong upflows in the prominence pillars and indicate the presence of a coronal cavity. The STEREO-A disk images show a region of reduced emission in the filament channel that coincides the coronal cavity. The STEREO-A timeseries images show no variation in the region of reduced emission which may be an additional signature of the cavity on the disk. Several small-scale brightenings in the filament channel are observed. The arrival of diffused active region positive flux plays an important role in ...