Bayesian persuasion in information design studies how an information-advantaged sender can influence a receiver to take the sender's preferred action by designing an information disclosure policy, a.k.a., a signaling scheme. Most works in Bayesian persuasion assume that the receiver is fully rational, i.e., she always selects the action that maximizes her expected utility. Yet empirical evidence suggests that human decisions may deviate from this expected utility theory. In this work, we relax the full rationality assumption and consider a boundedly rational receiver. In particular, we formulate the boundedly rationality of the receiver by adopting the classical model of quantal response, which captures the receiver's possible deviation from full rationality through incorporating noises in the receiver's process of utility estimation during decision making. Focusing on a fundamental persuasion model with binary receiver action, we seek to understand how the receiver's boundedly rational behavior impacts the design of optimal signaling schemes, and whether there exists robust signaling scheme when the receiver's boundedly rational behavior remains unknown.For both questions, we provide both positive and negative answers. At a high-level, a crucial condition which governs our answers is whether the sender's utility depends on the realized state. For the first question, in contrast to the setting with a fully rational receiver where censorship signaling scheme is always optimal (Renault et al., 2017), we show that for a boundedly rational receiver, the censorship signaling scheme remains optimal in state independent sender utility (SISU) environments, but is no longer optimal in state dependent sender utility (SDSU) environments. Nonetheless, we show that censorship signaling scheme is Θ(m)-approximation in SDSU environments, where m denotes the number of states. En route, we characterize the optimal signaling scheme in SDSU environments, in which the sender's signal either reveals the true state, or randomizes the receiver's uncertainty on only two states. For the second question, we introduce rationality-robust information design -a framework in which a signaling scheme is designed for a receiver with unknown boundedly rational behavior. We show that in SISU environments, up to a 2-approximation factor, implementing optimal censorship signaling scheme of a fully rational receiver is rationality-robust for any boundedly rational receiver. In marked contrast to this positive result, in SDSU environments, there exists no robust signaling scheme that has any bounded approximation. Nonetheless, for any problem instance with binary state, under a reasonable multiplicative boundedness condition on the receiver's behavior, the sender is able to design a signaling scheme whose approximation ratio depends linearly on the multiplicative error.