| Worldwide stakeholders have acknowledged the role of Indigenous Knowledge Research System (IKRS) as cost effective, readily accessible and sustainable solution. Several studies reflect documentation and assessment of indigenous veterinary practices. However, limited research studies have been conducted to demonstrate suitable model for integrating IKRS with livestock health intervention system. This exploratory research study explains utilization of IKRS in Gujarat and Manipur state of India. The study revealed that farmers were keen to embrace IKRS due to availability of practices, failure of conventional medications against certain ailments. Farmers were found to be aware of medicinal properties of plants, and acclaimed knowledge holders in usage of IKRS in their regions. These indigenous technologies or practices were location specific and innovative. The findings reiterated that State Department of Animal Husbandry (SDAH) alone cannot provide quality livestock health care. The support of SDAH, dairy societies and university research system is paramount for conservation and wider diffusion. Advancement of systemic response to indigenous healers can enable them to organize and acknowledge each other's effort through co-operative spirit. These frugal innovations can complement existing health care system and enhance livestock welfare, if only natural resources are conserved. Willingness, abilities of knowledge holders, farmers being part of research system, their experimental learning and knowledge of medicinal plants have to be reflected while designing disease control programs. Non-monetary incentives and diverse ways of engagement with knowledge holders are pre-requisite for sustaining, scaling knowledge systems. A suitable framework is shared for invigorating IKRS through utilizing, conserving natural resources with the help of existing formal and informal veterinary institutions. Keywords | Biodiversity, Frugal innovation, Integration, Indigenous knowledge, Livestock