The Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has rapidly swept around the globe since its first emergence near 2020. However, people have failed to fully understand its origin or mutation. Defined as an international biosafety incident, COVID-19 has again encouraged worldwide attention to reconsider the importance of biosafety due to the adverse impact on personal well-being and social stability. Most countries have already taken measures to advocate progress in biosafety-relevant research, aiming to prevent and solve biosafety problems with more advanced techniques and products. Herein, we propose a new concept of biosafety chemistry and reiterate the notion of biosafety materials, which refer to the interdisciplinary integration of biosafety and chemistry or materials. Here, we attempt to illustrate the exquisite association that chemistry and material science possess with biosafety fields and we hope to provide a pragmatic perspective on approaches to utilize the knowledge of these two subjects to handle specific biosafety issues such as detection and disinfection of pathogenic microorganisms, personal and collective protective equipment, vaccine adjuvants and specific drugs, preservation of biogenetic resources for human, animals, and plants. In addition, we hope to convey and promote the idea of multidisciplinary cooperation to strengthen biosafety research and development of relevant products for establishing possibly specific majors to defend national security in the future.