Abstract. Aberration correction of the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) has made it possible to reach probe sizes close to 1 Å at 60 keV, an operating energy that avoids direct knock-on damage in materials consisting of light atoms such as B, C, N and O. The improved resolution is allowing individual atoms to be imaged in various novel materials including graphene, monolayer boron nitride and carbon nanotubes. Some radiation damage remains even at the lower energies, and this limits the maximum usable electron dose. Elemental identification by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) is then usefully supplemented by annular dark field (ADF) imaging, for which the signal is much greater. Because of its strong Z dependence, ADF allows the chemical identification of individual atoms, both heavy and light. We review the instrumental requirements for atomic resolution imaging at 60 keV and lower energies, and we illustrate the kinds of observations that have now become possible by ADF images of graphene, monolayer BN and single wall carbon nanotubes, and by ADF images and EELS spectra containing nanopods filled with single atoms of Er. We then discuss likely future developments.