Sulfatase 1 is a secreted enzyme that modulates the sulfation state of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), which are potential key regulators of diverse developmental signals during embryonic patterning. In the present work, we have analyzed the Sulf1 gene expression pattern during chicken forebrain development. Our results indicate that, at early developmental stages, chicken Sulf1 is expressed in the alar and basal plate of the secondary prosencephalon (telencephalon and hypothalamus, respectively) as well as in the diencephalic basal and floor plates. Later in development, Sulf1 is expressed by a subset of nuclei derived from these regions. prosomere 1 (pretectum) p1MT p1 medial terminal nucleus p1PAG p1 periaqueductal gray p1PEW p1 pre-Edinger-Westphal nucleus p1Rt p1 reticular formation p1SNC p1 substantia nigra, compact part p1Tg p1 tegmentum area p1VTA p1 ventral tegmental area p2 prosomere 2 (thalamus) p2PAG p2 periaqueductal gray p2Tg p2 tegmentum area p2VTA p2 ventral tegmental area p3 prosomere 3 (prethalamus) p3Tg p3 tegmentum area p3VTA p3 ventral tegmental area pc posterior commissure Pe periventricular stratum PH posterior hypothalamic nucleus Pi pineal gland POA preoptic area PRot perirotundic area PrPT principal pretectal nucleus of the commissural pretectum PThB basal prethalamic nucleus Rh rhombencephalon rh1 rombomere 1 RM retromammillary nucleus RMC red nucleus, magnocellular part Rot rotundus nucleus RPC red nucleus, parvicellular part SAC stratum album centrale of the tectum SCh suprachiasmatic nucleus Se septum SGC stratum griseum centrale of the tectum SGFS stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale of the tectum SHb subhabenular nucleus SLPG semilunar perigeniculate nucleus sm stria medullaris SMi superficial microcellular nucleus SP secondary prosencephalon SPa subparaventricular nucleus SPC superficial parvicellular nucleus of the thalamus SpL lateral spiriform nucleus SPT subpretectal nucleus SRot subrotundus nucleus of the thalamus STh subthalamic nucleus TC tuber cinereum area TEL telencephalom TGC tectal gray, central stratum vCaPa caudal paraventricular area, ventral part VisCo visual nidopallial nucleus, core region VisSh visual nidopallial nucleus, shell region VTgM ventral tegmental area of mammillary region VTgp1 ventral tegmental area of prosomere 1 VTgRM ventral tegmental area of retromammillary region xso supraoptic decussation ZLI intrathalamic limitans zone