“…Following previous studies (Ashok et al 2007, Kao andYu 2009), the ENSO Modoki index (EMI for brevity) is defined as EMI =SSTA C −0.5 * SSTA E −0.5 * SSTA W , where SSTA C , SSTA E , and SSTA W represent the SST anomalies averaged in the regions of ( 165 In addition to central Pacific SST anomalies, figure 8 shows that obvious SST anomalies also appear in the subtropical eastern Pacific (figure 8(b)). Previous studies have indicated that the Pacific Meridional Mode (PMM), which features an anomalous meridional SST gradient over the subtropical and tropical eastern Pacific (Chiang and Vimont 2004, Zhang et al 2016, 2020, Gao et al 2018, Wu et al 2021, plays a role in the interannual variability of the WNP TC genesis. Zhang et al (2016) suggested that the negative PMM can sustain an anticyclonic circulation and thus suppress the TC genesis over the WNP.…”