This work presents a combined feedforward-feedback wake redirection framework for wind farm control. The FLORIS wake model, a control-oriented steady-state wake model is used to calculate optimal yaw angles for a given wind farm layout and atmospheric condition. The optimal yaw angles, which maximize the total power output, are applied to the wind farm. Further, the lidar-based closed-loop wake redirection concept is used to realize a local feedback on turbine level.The wake center is estimated from lidar measurements 3 D downwind of the wind turbines. The dynamical feedback controllers 5 support the feedforward controller and reject disturbances and adapt to model uncertainties. Altogether, the total framework is presented and applied to a nine turbine wind farm test case. In a high fidelity simulation study the concept shows promising results and an increase in total energy production compared to the baseline case and the feedforward-only case.
IntroductionCurrently, wind farms are operating with individual optimal turbine settings thus not taking wake interactions into account.
10This strategy is referred to as greedy wind farm control. The two main wind farm control strategies in which wake interactions are taken into account are axial induction control and wake redirection control (see Boersma et al. (2017) for an overview).In the former, the idea is to deviate the blade pitch angle and tip speed ratio from greedy settings in order to enhance farm performance. Changing these control signals alters, among others, the wind velocity deficit in the turbine's wake hence the power production of downstream turbines. One of the first papers that proposes the idea of axial induction control can be 15 found in Steinbuch et al. (1988). By now, scientific results seem to indicate that by using a currently available steady-state model to evaluate optimal axial induction settings, no power improvement on a farm level can be achieved Annoni et al. (2018). However, recent scientific results indicate that by temporally changing axial induction settings, the farms power output in the therein used wind farm simulators can be improved by using control Ciri et al. (2017); Munters and Meyers (2018). Interestingly, the results in Ciri et al. (2017) seem to indicate that downstream turbine need to deviate from greedy in order 20 to improve the farm's power production while in Munters and Meyers (2018), the control settings of the upstream turbines are temporally changing resulting in an improvement of the farm's power output indicating the necessity for more research.The second wind farm control strategy is wake redirection control and studied in this paper. In this strategy, the goal is to 1 https://doi.