The conformational preferences of o-cresols driven by fluorination have been thoroughly investigated from a theoretical point of view with quantum chemical methods and compared to those recently reported for benzyl alcohols. Key conformers of both families exhibit a 6-membered intramolecular hydrogen-bond (IMHB) interaction. A significant enhancement of IMHB strength is observed in -fluoro-o-cresols, owing to the simultaneous increase of the aliphatic fluorine hydrogen-bond (HB) basicity and of the aromatic hydroxyl HB acidity, compared to o-fluorobenzyl alcohols, which are characterized by aromatic fluorine atoms and aliphatic hydroxyl groups. In the case of di-and trifluorinated derivatives, the occurrence of a three-centre hydrogen-bond is emphasised and its features discussed. The impact of these structural predilections on ocresol HB properties has been characterised from the estimation of the HB acidity parameter, pKAHY, weighted according to their conformational populations. We find that -fluorination leads to an HB acidity decrease of the hydroxyl group (in contrast with o-fluorination of benzyl alcohols), whereas ,-difluorination results in no significant variation of pKAHY. Finally, an increase of HB acidity is predicted upon methyl perfluorination, which has been confirmed experimentally. Theoretical descriptors based on AIM, NCI and NBO analyses allows rationalizing the predicted trends, and reveal a relationship with the strength of the established OHF IMHB.