Semiconductor photonic emitters operating in the UV range remain an elusive goal. Attention has focused mainly on III‐Nitrides. However a large lattice constant difference between the III‐Nitride layers and compatible substrates results in high densities of misfit dislocations and consequently the device performance is adversely affected. An alternative novel material system, γ‐CuCl on silicon, is investigated. Properties of the exciton luminescence from vacuum deposited CuCl films on Si(100) and Si(111) are studied using temperature dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Four peaks attributed to the free exciton (Z3) (3.203 eV), bound exciton (I1) (3.181 eV), bi‐exciton (M) (3.159 eV) and bound bi‐exciton (N1) (3.134 eV) are identified from the PL spectrum at 10 K. A free exciton peak at 3.230 eV is observed at room temperature. The binding energies for the bound exciton, bi‐exciton and bound bi‐exciton are determined. Parameters, extracted from the temperature dependence of the Z3 PL peak intensity, energy and line‐width, have been compared with CuCl films on different substrates and in single crystal form. The luminescence properties of the CuCl on Si material system are found to compare well with reports for single crystal CuCl. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)