The absolute separation of a polynomial is the minimum nonzero difference between the absolute values of its roots. In the case of polynomials with integer coefficients, it can be bounded from below in terms of the degree and the height (the maximum absolute value of the coefficients) of the polynomial. We improve the known bounds for this problem and related ones. Then we report on extensive experiments in low degrees, suggesting that the current bounds are still very pessimistic.
Separation and absolute separationThe absolute separation of a polynomial P ∈ C[X] is the minimal nonzero distance between the absolute values of its complex roots:Having good lower bounds on this quantity for polynomials with integer coefficients is of interest in the asymptotic analysis of linear recurrent sequences. Before this work, the best bounds that we are aware of [6,3] are of the form abs sep(P ) ≫ H(P ) −d(d 2 +2d−1)/2 , where, here and below, the constant implicit in the ≫ sign depends only on the degree d, while H(P ), the height of the polynomial P , is the maximum of the absolute values of its coefficients. In this work, we improve the exponent of this bound and that of related problems. Still, we do not know how far the exponent we obtain is from being optimal. Thus an important part of this article is devoted to experiments in low degree, from where we can infer families of polynomials exhibiting a behaviour in H(P ) −d−1 for d ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6}.In the much more classical case of the separation sep(P ) := min P (α)=P (β)=0, α =β |α − β|,