-The design of high performance circuits with short manufacturing cycles and low cost demands reliable analysis tools, capable to accurately predict the circuit behaviour prior to manufacturing. In the case of nonlinear circuits, the user must be aware of the possible coexistence of different steady-state solutions for the same element values and the fact that steadystate methods, such as harmonic balance, may converge to unstable solutions that will not be observed experimentally. In this contribution, the main numerical iterative methods for nonlinear analysis, including time-domain integrations, shooting, harmonic balance and envelope transient, are briefly presented and compared. The steady-state methods must be complemented with a stability steady-state analysis to verify the physical existence of the solution. This stability analysis can also be combined with the use of auxiliary generators to simulate the circuit self-oscillation and predict qualitative changes in the solution under the continuous variation of a parameter. The methods will be applied to timely circuit examples that are demanding from the nonlinear analysis point of view.