This book series will publish various books from different theoretical perspectives around the world focusing on Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling at Secondary and Tertiary level. The proceedings of the biennial conference called ICTMA, organised by the ICMI affiliated Study Group ICTMA (International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling and Applications) will also be published in this series. These proceedings display the worldwide state-of-the-art in this field and will be of interest for a wider audience than the conference participants.ICTMA is a worldwide unique group, in which not only mathematics educators aiming for education at school level are included but also applied mathematicians interested in teaching and learning modelling at tertiary level are represented. ICTMA discusses all aspects related to Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling at Secondary and Tertiary Level, e.g. usage of technology in modelling, psychological aspects of modelling and its teaching, modelling competencies, modelling examples and courses, teacher education and teacher education courses.
More information about this series at