Three bulky organic cations, benzylmethylpyrrolidinium (BMP), (S,S)-2-hydroxymethyl-1-benzyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium (BML) and benzylmethylhexamethyleniminium (BMH), were used in combination with the small cation tetramethylammonium (TMA) in the synthesis of zeolite materials. Two of them are distinguished by the number of carbon atoms forming the cyclic amine, which varies from 4 in BMP to 6 in BMH. In addition, a -CH 2 -OH group has been introduced in the carbon atom belonging to the amine ring next to the nitrogen atom, to originate a chiral molecule, BML, the third SDA used in this work. It has been found that the combination of the small TMA with those three bulkier SDAs, promotes the crystallization of zeolite structures that contain cages and channels. BMP leads to the crystallization of the 10-ring zeolite ferrierite, where TMA is located inside the ferrierite cage. If the size of the N-cyclic amine moiety increases, the resulting cation cannot be accommodated in the relatively narrow 10-ring channels of ferrierite, and in these cases the zeolite MCM-22 crystallizes. This zeolite contains large cages whose cross section is delimited by a 12-ring, where both BMH and BML can be easily accommodated. In this system, cage-like, chlatrasil type structures often co-crystallize with the open structures, evidencing that an appropriate balance between TMA and the bulky SDA is required to achieve the crystallization of open-frameworks. When BMP is used, mixtures of structurally related ferrierite and cage-like RUB-10 are obtained if an excess of TMA is present in the synthesis gel, while MCM-22 crystallizes together with the structurally related cage-like MTN phase.