“… Mulcahy et al [2008] found, for stable wind conditions, a very strong relationship between bin‐average AOD and the approximate square of the wind speed. However, this was based upon measurements at a coastal site, and it is possible that breaking waves on the rocky shore would lead to the production of additional aerosol above what would be observed in open‐ocean (i.e., rock‐free) conditions, or that there are differences in wind conditions between the coast and nearby ocean [ Blanchard and Woodcock , 1980; Henderson et al , 2006]. It is uncertain whether these trends continue for high wind speeds, due to a paucity of data for ws ≈ 10 ms −1 or higher, and the few observations in these conditions have shown either increases, leveling‐off, or decreases in aerosol loading [ Blanchard and Woodcock , 1980; Exton et al , 1985; Mulcahy et al , 2008; Pant et al , 2008; Grandey et al , 2011; Kiliyanpilakkil and Meskhidze , 2011].…”