We show the impact that stretching and mixing has on the fate of plumes of waterborne contaminant solutes transported through a chemically heterogeneous, partially adsorbing porous medium, at a typical Péclet number characterizing saturated flows in subsurfaces, Pe = O(1). Via pore-scale lattice Boltzmann simulations, we follow the dynamic of a passive scalar injected in a packed bed consisting of a mixture of chemically inert and adsorbing spherical particles. By varying the fraction of the adsorbers, randomly and uniformly distributed in the porous volume, and the adsorption rate, we find that the waterborne solute forms different plumes emerging between pairs of adsorbing particles. The plumes are stretched at a rate linearly increasing with time and inversely proportional to the adsorbers' interparticle dimensionless distance * ξ = ξ /d, with d being the pore size. We provide a relationship between the characteristic small-scale scalar concentration width σB and the adsorption-induced stretching rate. The stretching process competes with diffusion broadening to asymptotically determine σB/d ∝ (Pe/ * ξ ) −1/2 and sets the characteristic scale of concentration width larger than the characteristic pore size, that is σB > d. Because of the latter condition, small scalar structures overlap among adjacent pores until mass transport and adsorption are equilibrated at a time t ξ , when the plume is well-mixed at a larger scale, corresponding to its transverse crosssection dimension. The plume mixing rate related to the average flow velocity 1/(U t ξ ) very well approximates a macrohomogenous adsorption coefficient, thus predicting the macroscopic adsorption process and the probability of solute leakage from the porous volume. On the basis of these observations, we also derive the probability of formation of large solute plume volumes, which we find to exponentially decay with large * ξ and small fraction of adsorbers.