YbCo2Ge4 is a clean paramagnetic Kondo lattice which displays non-Fermi liquid behavior. We report a detailed investigation of the specific heat, magnetic Grüneisen parameter (Γmag) and temperature derivative of the magnetization (M ) on a high-quality single crystal at temperatures down to 0.1 K and magnetic fields up to 7 T. Γmag and dM/dT display a divergence upon cooling and obey T /B scaling. Similar behavior has previously been found in several other Yb-based Kondo lattices and related to a zero-field quantum critical point without fine tuning of pressure or composition. However, in the approach of B → 0 the electronic heat capacity coefficient of YbCo2Ge4 saturates at low T , excluding ferromagnetic quantum criticality. This indicates that T /B scaling is insufficient to prove a zero-field quantum critical point. It is very unlikely, that a compound is accidentally located at such a special point in multidimensional phase space. Chemical substitution studies on CeNi 2 Ge 2 indeed suggest that this compound is actually located slightly beyond the QCP on the paramagnetic side [11], though the crossover between quantum critical and Fermi liquid behavior in the undoped material is too low in T to be detectable. Relatedly, for CeCoIn 5 the QCP is masked by superconductivity and the conclusion of zerofield quantum criticality relies on extrapolation [5]. On the other hand, for CeRhSn [4] and Pr 2 Ir 2 O 7 [6] zerofield quantum criticality originates from strong geometrical frustration which effectively suppresses long-range order. An even more exotic scenario would be the existence of an extended quantum critical regime. Such a quantum critical phase may be sensitive to the application of magnetic fields but stable over a substantial range of applied pressure. Evidence for pressure insensitivity of NFL behavior has been reported for β-YbAlB 4 [9] and Au 51 Al 34 Yb 15 [10]. However, the nature of a quantum critical phase, instead of singlar QCP, remains unclear.
ZeroIn this paper, we discuss a new Yb-based Kondo lattice, YbCo 2 Ge 4 [12], which displays similar temperature over magnetic field, T /B scaling behavior as found previously for β-YbAlB 4 [7,8] and the quasicrystal Au 51 Al 34 Yb 15 . Note, that in contrast to the case of fieldinduced QCPs [13,14], it involves the applied field B and not a tuning parameter r = (B − B c )/B c , because the critical field B c = 0. We observe a divergence of the magnetic Grüneisen parameter and the temperature derivative of the magnetization dM/dT upon cooling in the limit of zero field similar as in the above mentioned examples. However, the heat capacity coefficient is almost constant in the respective T -B range, excluding quantum criticality as origin of T /B scaling.