Notley SR, Park J, Tagami K, Ohnishi N, Taylor NAS. Morphological dependency of cutaneous blood flow and sweating during compensable heat stress when heat-loss requirements are matched across participants. J Appl Physiol 121: 25-35, 2016. First published April 28, 2016 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00151.2016.-Human heat loss is thought, in part, to be morphologically related. It was therefore hypothesized that when heat-loss requirements and body temperatures were matched, that the mass-specific surface area alone could significantly explain both cutaneous vascular and sudomotor responses during compensable exercise. These thermoeffector responses were examined in 36 men with widely varying mass-specific surface areas (range, 232.3-292.7 cm 2 /kg), but of similar age, aerobic fitness, and adiposity. Subjects completed two trials under compensable conditions (28.1°C, 36.8% relative humidity), each involving rest (20 min) and steady-state cycling (45 min) at two matched metabolic heatproduction rates (light, ϳ135 W/m 2 ; moderate, ϳ200 W/m 2 ). Following equivalent mean body temperature changes, forearm blood flow and vascular conductance (r ϭ 0.63 and r ϭ 0.65) shared significant, positive associations with the mass-specific surface area during light work (P Ͻ 0.05), explaining ϳ45% of the vasomotor variation. Conversely, during light and moderate work, whole body sweat rate, as well as local sweat rate and sudomotor sensitivity at three of four measured sites, revealed moderate, negative relationships with the mass-specific surface area (correlation coefficient range Ϫ0.37 to Ϫ0.73, P Ͻ 0.05). Moreover, those relationships could uniquely account for between 10 and 53% of those sweating responses (P Ͻ 0.05). Therefore, both thermoeffector responses displayed a significant morphological dependency in the presence of equivalent thermoafferent drive. Indeed, up to half of the interindividual variation in these effector responses could now be explained through morphological differences and the first principles governing heat transfer. surface area; sweating; cutaneous blood flow; heat exchange; morphology THE CAPACITY TO STORE HEAT is size dependent, with larger objects being more thermally stable, and resisting rapid and significant temperature changes. On the other hand, the avenues for physical heat exchange are surface-area dependent. Therefore, for geometrically dissimilar objects of identical composition, heat exchange and storage are tightly linked to the ratio of surface area to mass (mass-specific or specific surface area). These principles also relate to allometric structures, including humans. However, few researchers have considered the possibility that the autonomically driven avenues for heat exchange (vasomotor and sudomotor function) might also share a morphological dependence. Indeed, although our ability to explain interindividual variations in thermoeffector responses is comprehensive (25, 39), we know relatively little about the contribution of body morphology to that modulation. Although this inform...