Continuous improvement of practical and theoretical knowledge represents the basis for further cognitive paradigm and innovations leading to new, more e cient practice in athletics. e need for a rmation of knowledge (everything we know) stimulates the process of acquiring knowledge about a human in this sports discipline (ontological context) including knowledge based on scienti c-research work (methodological context). It is a fact that application of the scienti c method has led to new knowledge in favour of athletic practice and to establishment of new cognitive horizons in studying the scope of human sports performances. e source of knowledge is athletic theory and practice. At the same time they are the starting point for studying dynamics of human performances manifested through various athletic disciplines. For a number of analysers, results achieved on big athletic competitions provoked a discussion about platforms and '' conservation'' of human abilities, whereas for the others it was a starting point for inquiry about the nal reach of knowledge about human athletic being (gnoseological context). e origin of knowledge about the athletic being of humans dates back to the ancient philosophy of Plato and Socrates. us it can be claimed that the source of knowledge is as old as discussions about nature of change of a human being under the in uence of exercising. In this study athletics is presented through the space of knowledge (subject of the study) integrating primordial and scienti c with the outcome such as new and e cient training and competition practice.