We propose and analyze the Lizard-construction, a way to construct keystream generator (KSG) based stream ciphers with provable 2 3 n-security with respect to generic time-memory-data tradeoff attacks. Note that for the vast majority of known practical KSG-based stream ciphers such attacks reduce the effective key length to the birthday bound n/2, where n denotes the inner state length of the underlying KSG. This implies that practical stream ciphers have to have a comparatively large inner state length (e.g., n = 288 bit for Trivium [6] and n = 160 bit for Grain v1 [16]). The Lizard-construction proposes a state initialization algorithm for stream ciphers working in packet mode (like the GSM cipher A5/1 or the Bluetooth cipher E0). The proposal is that for each packet i the packet initial state q i init is computed from the secret session key k and the packet initial value IV i via q i init = P (k ⊕IV i )⊕k, where P denotes a state mixing algorithm. Note that the recently published cipher Lizard (see [14]), a stream cipher having inner state length of only 121 bit, is a lightweight practical instantiation of our proposal, which is competitive w.r.t. the usual hardware and power consumption metrics. The main technical contribution of this paper is to introduce a formal ideal primitive model (in the sense of [12]) for KSG-based stream ciphers and to show the sharp 2 3 n-bound for the security of the Lizardconstruction against generic time-memory-data tradeoff attacks.