“…'s(2019) doc u men ta tion of steep rises in U.S. pain from 1997 to 2014 relies on di ag nosed pain-re lated health con di tions and ICD-9 categories (e. g., os te o ar thri tis, tem po ro man dib u lar joint dis or der), which are ar gu ably more re sis tant to chang ing reporting norms than ques tions about less well-spec i fiedpain.Next,stud iespro videev i dencethatU.S.painprev a lencein creased be fore the reg u la tory and com mer cial de vel op ments of the mid-1990s/early 2000s (Zimmer and Zajacova 2020) as well as af ter the CDC's 2011 dec la ra tion of an opi oid ep i demicandthesub se quentback lashagainstthe"fifthvi talsign"andopi oidman ufac tur ers (Jones et al 2018). That is, pain lev els in creased be fore, dur ing, and af ter the cul turalshiftsthe o rizedtoshapereporting.Furthermore,painap pearstobein creas ing glob ally (Shupler et al 2019;, in clud ing in Western Eu ro pean countries with dif fer ent ther a peu tic re gimes and much tighter reg u la tion of phar ma ceuti cal mar ket ing than found in the United States (Meyer et al 2020).Thefind ingswe re portherearethusnotuniquetotheU.S.po lit i cal-eco nomiccon text.Additionally,two re cent an a ly ses (us ing data from 2004-2016 and 2002-2010) found no change over time in the as so ci a tion be tween self-reported pain and more ob jec tive mea sures of painre lated func tion-spe cifi cal ly, walk ing speed and work dis abil ity (Grol-Prokopczyk et al 2019;Wynne-Jones et al 2018).Finally,ourownfind ingsshowthatthecor re lation be tween most health con di tions and pain has not changed over time (Table 6, panel B2).However,wealsoac knowl edgethatamongolderadults,alargecom po nentofthe pain in crease could not be explained by the chang ing dis tri bu tion of pain de ter mi nants (Table 6, panel A), leav ing open the pos si bil ity of reporting changes as par tial con trib utors to the ob served trends. Overall, how ev er, al though reporting fac tors may be at play and should be ex plored fur ther, ev i dence of ris ing pain prev a lence now comes from too many countries, con texts, and data sources to be eas ily dismissed.…”