Simulations of biological evolution, in which computers are used to evolve systems toward a goal, often require many generations to achieve even simple goals. It is therefore of interest to look for generic ways, compatible with natural conditions, in which evolution in simulations can be speeded. Here, we study the impact of temporally varying goals on the speed of evolution, defined as the number of generations needed for an initially random population to achieve a given goal. Using computer simulations, we find that evolution toward goals that change over time can, in certain cases, dramatically speed up evolution compared with evolution toward a fixed goal. The highest speedup is found under modularly varying goals, in which goals change over time such that each new goal shares some of the subproblems with the previous goal. The speedup increases with the complexity of the goal: the harder the problem, the larger the speedup. Modularly varying goals seem to push populations away from local fitness maxima, and guide them toward evolvable and modular solutions. This study suggests that varying environments might significantly contribute to the speed of natural evolution. In addition, it suggests a way to accelerate optimization algorithms and improve evolutionary approaches in engineering.biological physics ͉ modularity ͉ optimization ͉ systems biology A central question is how evolution can explain the speed at which the present complexity of life arose (1-17). Current computer simulations of evolution are well known to have difficulty in scaling to high complexity. Such studies use computers to evolve artificial systems, which serve as an analogy to biological systems, toward a given goal (6, 9, 18). The simulations mimic natural evolution by incorporating replication, variation (e.g., mutation and recombination), and selection. Typically, a logarithmic slowdown in evolution is observed: longer and longer periods are required for successive improvements in fitness (6,9,18) [similar slowdown is observed in adaptation experiments on bacteria in constant environments (19,20)]. Simulations can take many thousands of generations to reach even relatively simple goals, such as Boolean functions of several variables (9, 18). Thus, to understand the speed of natural evolution, it is of interest to find generic ways, compatible with natural conditions, in which evolution in simulations can be speeded.To address this, we consider here the fact that the environment of organisms in nature changes over time. Previous studies have indicated that temporally varying environments can affect several properties of evolved systems such as their structure (6), robustness (21), evolvability (22, 23), and genotype-phenotype mapping (10, 24). In particular, goals that change over time in a modular fashion (18), such that each new goal shares some of the subproblems with the previous goal, were found to spontaneously generate systems with modular structure (18).Here, we study the effect of temporally varying environments on the speed...