Article Title: Ion yields and erosion rates for Si1−xGex(0x1) ultralow energy O2+ secondary ion mass spectrometry in the energy range of 0. We report the SIMS parameters required for the quantitative analysis of Si 1−x Ge x across the range of 0 Յ x Յ 1 when using low energy O 2 + primary ions at normal incidence. These include the silicon and germanium secondary ion yield ͓i.e., the measured ion signal ͑ions/s͔͒ and erosion rate ͓i.e., the speed at which the material sputters ͑nm/min͔͒ as a function of x. We show that the ratio R x of erosion rates, Si 1−x Ge x / Si, at a given x is almost independent of beam energy, implying that the properties of the altered layer are dominated by the interaction of oxygen with silicon. R x shows an exponential dependence on x. Unsurprisingly, the silicon and germanium secondary ion yields are found to depart somewhat from proportionality to ͑1−x͒ and x, respectively, although an approximate linear relationship could be used for quantification across around 30% of the range of x ͑i.e., a reference material containing Ge fraction x would give reasonably accurate quantification across the range of Ϯ0.15x͒. Direct comparison of the useful ͑ion͒ yields ͓i.e., the ratio of ion yield to the total number of atoms sputtered for a particular species ͑ions/atom͔͒ and the sputter yields ͓i.e., the total number of atoms sputtered per incident primary ion ͑atoms/ions͔͒ reveals a moderate matrix effect where the former decrease monotonically with increasing x except at the lowest beam energy investigated ͑250 eV͒. Here, the useful yield of Ge is found to be invariant with x. At 250 eV, the germanium ion and sputter yields are proportional to x for all x.