Background: Exclusive two-nucleon knockout after electroexcitation of nuclei (A(e, e N N ) in brief) is considered to be a primary source of information about short-range correlations (SRC) in nuclei. For a proper interpretation of the data, final-state interactions (FSI) need to be theoretically controlled.Purpose: Our goal is to quantify the role of FSI effects in exclusive A(e, e pN ) reactions for four target nuclei representative for the whole mass region. Our focus is on processes that are SRC driven. We investigate the role of FSI for two characteristic detector setups corresponding with a "small" and "large" coverage of the available phase space.Method: Use is made of a factorized expression for the A(e, e pN ) cross section that is proportional to the two-body center-of-mass (c.m.) momentum distribution of close-proximity pairs. The A(e, e pp) and A(e, e pn) reactions for the target nuclei 12 C, 27 Al, 56 Fe and 208 Pb are investigated. The elastic attenuation mechanisms in the FSI are included using the relativistic multiple-scattering Glauber approximation (RMSGA). Single-charge exchange (SCX) reactions are also included. We introduce the nuclear transparency T pN A , defined as the ratio of exclusive (e, e pN ) cross sections on nuclei to those on "free" nucleon pairs, as a measure for the aggregated
Conclusion:The SCX mechanisms represent a relatively small (order of a few percent) contribution of SRCdriven A(e, e pN ) processes. The mass dependence of FSI effects in exclusive A(e, e pN ) can be captured in a robust power law and is in agreement with the predictions obtained in a toy model.