This study aims to determine: To determine the significant relationship between arm muscle strength, arm muscle endurance, abdominal muscle strength and balance on archery achievement. This study uses the correlation method. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique, namely 13 archery athletes in Surakarta. The variables of this study consisted of four independent variables, namely arm muscle strength, arm muscle endurance, abdominal muscle strength and balance. The dependent variable is archery achievement. The data of this study were obtained through tests and measurements. The data analysis technique used correlation analysis with normality, linearity, and hypothesis testing, namely correlation analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between arm muscle strength, arm muscle endurance, abdominal muscle strength, and balance and archery achievement, with an R value of 0.921. These results indicate that there is a perfect category relationship between arm muscle strength (X1), arm muscle endurance (X2), abdominal muscle strength (X3) and balance (X4) on archery achievement (Y). The results of this study indicate that arm muscle strength, arm muscle endurance, abdominal muscle strength and balance have a significant relationship with archery achievement. It can be concluded that arm muscle strength, arm muscle endurance, abdominal muscle strength and balance have a relationship with archery achievement.