The work includes a detailed analysis of the specifics of the current activity and description of its role in the development of professional success of future specialists in the context of modern sociorealism. Based on the results of the analysis of modern requirements to the student as a subject of autopsychological activity, the psychological factors of its productivity are identified. The paper presents a review of significant personal qualities of students, considered as internal determinants of successful transforming activity of a modern specialist: features of the value-semantic sphere, psychological, emotional and volitional characteristics of subjectivity. Factors that facilitate and block constructive activity aimed at promising transformations are shown. Considered extraction and interactively transformative in nature, their meaning and function in the development of the individual student. Various vectors of transformative activity in childhood are considered. The role of self-attitude, self-awareness, reflection of students’ experience and knowledge in ensuring the productivity of their professional and personal growth is revealed. Based on the analysis of the results of an empirical study, we describe the content features of modern students’ ideas about the essence and determinants of the positive transformative activity of its role in achieving future professionalsuccess.