mientras que el estudio de dos casos permite entender mejor sus alcances y límites, en particular cómo el uso de peritajes antropológicos está condicionado por lógicas propias de la cultura jurídica, incluso extrajurídicas tales como permanencia de monoculturalismo en la cultura jurídica, desvalorización del conocimiento antropológico como científico, racionalidad económica relativa al uso de peritajes antropológico de acuerdo al riesgo de pena.Palabras claves: peritaje antropológico, defensa cultural, justicia penal, defensoría penal mapuche.The aim of this paper is to examine the practice of anthropological expertise in Chile, particularly in the south of the country, by analyzing its historical use in conjunction with the emergence of the legal doctrine of "cultural defense". Using statistical analysis, we outline its application and track its changing demand over time. Additionally, two case studies provide a better understanding of its scope and limitations, highlighting in particular how the use of anthropological expertise is shaped by legal culture's inherent dynamics, including external factors such as: the permanence of monoculturalism, devaluation of anthropological knowledge as scientific, and economic rationality regarding the use of anthropological expertise according to the risk of penalty.