O pão é o produto obtido pela cocção, em condições tecnologicamente adequadas, de uma massa fermentada, ou não, preparada com farinha de trigo e/ou outras farinhas que contenham naturalmente proteínas formadoras de glúten ou adicionadas das mesmas e água, podendo também conter outros ingredientes. A classificação "pão de forma" é atribuída ao produto obtido pela cocção da massa em formas, apresentando miolo elástico e homogêneo, com poros finos e casca fina e macia (BRASIL, 2006). Vários tipos de fibras podem ser acrescentados aos produtos de panificação, na forma de farinhas integrais de sementes (trigo, aveia, centeio, milho, soja, aveia, cevada, girassol, linhaça, arroz e sorgo) ou fibras isoladas de frutas e outros vegetais (maçã, pêra e uva). Além do aspecto nutricional, as fibras apresentam, em sua maioria, custo baixo e são facilmente encontradas comercialmente (POMERANZ, 1987). De acordo com Stauffer (1990), existem duas razões para se adicionar fibras em pães, sendo a
AbstractIn this work, the application of lipase and monoglyceride in fiber enriched pan bread was studied, to verify the possibility of substituting the emulsifier by the enzyme. Initially, the main raw materials (flour and wheat bran) were characterized. The pan breads were produced using the straight dough method. A central composite rotational design was used, with two independent variables: i) lipase dosage; and ii) monoglyceride dosage and, in parallel, a control test was carried out (without the addition of lipase and monoglyceride) for comparison. The dependent variables or responses were the quality characteristics of the breads: i) specific volume; ii) sensory acceptance (appearance, texture, aroma and taste); and iii) shelf life evaluated by crumb moisture and firmness after one, four and seven days from baking. Within the ranges studied, it was possible to verify that only crumb moisture on the fourth and seventh days after processing was influenced by the variation of the lipase and monoglyceride dosages. In the sensory evaluation, it was observed that the average scores attributed to the control breads were lower than the lowest average of the experimental design trials, except for taste and aroma. As it was not possible to obtain mathematical models for all the responses, Assays 5 (1% monoglyceride), 7 (25 ppm lipase) and 9 (25 ppm lipase and 1% monoglyceride) of the experimental design, and the control test, were selected for the evaluation of the results by analysis of variance. In the conditions used and for the dosages of lipase (0 to 50 ppm) and monoglyceride (0 to 2%) used, the possibility to substitute monoglyceride by lipase in fiber enriched pan bread was verified. Keywords: pan bread; lipase; monoglyceride; fibers.
ResumoNeste trabalho, estudou-se a aplicação da enzima lipase e do emulsificante monoglicerídeo em pão de forma enriquecido com fibras, com o objetivo de verificar a possibilidade de substituição do emulsificante pela enzima. Inicialmente, foi realizada a caracterização das matérias-primas principais (far...