Elementary affine function Quasi-elementary affine function
∧-affine function
Downward setWe give first some characterizations of strongly supertopical respectively topical (that is, increasing strongly superhomogeneous, respectively increasing homogeneous) functions on a b-complete semimodule X over a b-complete idempotent semiring (respectively semifield) K = (K, ⊕, ⊗), with values in K, that improve and complement the main result of [12]. For example, we show that if K is a semifield and ε and e denote the neutral elements of K for ⊕ and ⊗ respectively, then every strongly supertopical function f : X → K satisfying f (inf X) = ε is topical and that if (and only if) K = {ε, e}, then every strongly supertopical function f : X → K is topical. We also give characterizations of strongly topical and topical functions with the aid of some inequalities. Next, generalizing [10], we introduce elementary affine functions f : X → K and we apply them to obtain characterizations and a representation of topical functions. As a consequence, we obtain some characterizations of downward sets in X with the aid of elementary affine functions. Next we extend a result on topical functions f : R n → R = (R, max, +) given in [12], to functions f : R I → R, where I is an arbitrary index set. Finally, we give characterizations of subtopical (i.e. increasing subhomogeneous) functions f : X → K, encompassing results of [10,11]. Our main tool is residuation theory.