Lansium domesticum Corr. with vernacular name in Indonesian duku has been reported containing therapeutic bioactive compounds, and some of these compounds shown to be potent antitumor, anticancer, antimalaria, antimelanogenesis, antibacteria, and antimutagenic activities. This plant is commonly known as duku, kokosan and langsat by the local community in Indonesia. The morphological appearance of all varieties is nearly the same, and identifi cation of the varieties is very diffi cult for growers. Variation of DNA sequences of the ITS (Internal transcribed spacer) region can be used as a molecular character to determine the phylogenetic relationship of different varieties of L. domesticum. The aims of this study were to determine taxonomy status of duku, kokosan, and langsat, also phylogenetic relationship among varieties of L. domesticum based on ITS rDNA sequencing. DNA was isolated from leaves of plant and then amplifi ed using F1 and R1 primers. Nucleotide sequences were identifi ed using Sequence Scanner Software Programm version 1.0, nucleotide sequences from 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and 26S region, that has been mergered using EditSeq and SegMan in software Suite for Sequence Analysis DNASTAR Lasergene DM version 3.0.25. The results of study showed that DNA fragments ranging in size from 782-810 bp. Different pattern of DNA fragments indicated polymorphism among duku, kokosan, and langsat. Based on the results of the ITS rDNA sequencing and phylogenetic tree analysis. It was determined that Lansium and Aglaia are a separated genus with the similarity index value of 0.98. Duku, kokosan and langsat were divided into two cluster, namely cluster kokosan-langsat and cluster duku with the similarity index value of 0.996.