Human strongyloidiasis is widely prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide but is not endemic in Hawaii. Subclinical, chronic infections may be lifelong; immunosuppressive therapy, particularly with glucocorticoids, may lead to serious or fatal disseminated disease, which is preventable. We performed a retrospective analysis of patients tested for immunoglobulin G antibody in an academic medical center in Honolulu, Hawaii, from 2005 to 2012. Of the 475 patients tested, 78 (16%) were seropositive. The largest proportion of seropositive cases was found among Micronesians (30%), Polynesians (26%), Filipinos (13%), and Southeast Asians (11%). Among the seropositive patients, the most likely reason for clinicians to order testing was blood eosinophilia. Stool parasite examination results were available for 58% of seropositive patients of which 11% were positive for larvae. Antihelminthic therapy, usually ivermectin, was ordered for 71% of patients. After treatment, blood eosinophilia and serology results were reassessed for 76% and 35% of patients, respectively; both tests tended to show improvement. Travelers and immigrants from-endemic areas, including Micronesia and Polynesia, should have serodiagnostic testing for latent strongyloidiasis, and if positive, treated empirically with ivermectin, particularly when corticosteroids or other immunosuppressive therapies are anticipated.