1983. Serum cholinesterase loci El andEz polymorphisms among Egyptians. -Hereditas 99: 1-6. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 0018-0661. Received September 24, 1982 In a random Egyptian population sample, a high frequency of the Ela and the Ef genes were found (0.0376 and 0.0109, respectively). The employment of various automated procedures provided useful ancillary laboratory means of identifying both the Ela and the Ef gene products. The El+ phenotype was determined by an acid agar gel electrophoresis technique, which provided a complete separation of the E2+ band from a single major cholinesterase band. The E2+ phenotype was less than half as prevalent among Egyptians (4.8 %) as in two European populations (12-13 %) determined by the same technique.