The incidence of Salmonella typhimurium in imported bone meal may be underestimated by conventional isolation techniques because of the presence of other salmonella serotypes. A method was developed with a serological bias towards recovery of serotypes with ‘i’as H phase 1 antigen. By this technique, 44 strains of S. typhimurium were isolated from Argentinian bone meal compared with nine strains cultured by the unbiased method. The technique was less successful with Lebanese bone. The serological technique was most effective when several salmonella serotypes not possessing the ‘i’antigen were present in a sample. S. kentucky (8, 20:i:z6), like S. typhimurium was also efficiently isolated by the serological method. In 12 specimens both S. typhimurium and S. kentucky were present. The two serotypes were easily separated by examining four 25 g sub‐samples of the specimen.