Abstract:The aim of this study was to collect data on chronological changes in clinical laboratory tests, pathological examinations, and hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes from Wistar Hannover rats at 8, 10, 19, and 32 weeks of age. The serum triglyceride concentration and the serum LDL cholesterol level were higher in males than in females at all ages. In contrast, serum total protein and creatinine concentrations and cholinesterase activity were lower in males than in females. In addition, sex differences were confirmed in pituitary weight and hepatic CYP3A2 and CYP2C11 activities. In conclusion, the general toxicological data noted in clinical laboratory tests, pathological examinations, and hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes relating to chronological changes and sex differences may be useful in assessing drug-related toxicity in this strain. Key words: clinical laboratory test, hepatic drug-metabolizing enzyme, pathological examination sprague-dawley (sd) and F344 rats are commonly used for toxicity studies in japan [2], and the inbred F344/N rat substrain has been used for the National toxicity Program rodent toxicity and carcinogenicity bioassays for more than thirty years [10,19]. the F344/N rat is known to have high background incidences of certain types of tumor including testicular interstitial cell tumors and mononuclear cell leukemia [7], while typical spontaneous diseases in aged sd rats are chronic nephropathy and pituitary and mammary tumors [5,16]. therefore, the use of these strains in long-term toxicity studies should be carefully considered when planning study design and assessing toxicity.wistar Hannover rats are used widely in Europe [21], particularly for toxicity studies, because of their small body size, long survival rate, low spontaneous tumor incidence, and ease of handling. research with this strain has been limited in japan; however, its use in toxicity studies is expected to increase. in 2006, Petterino et al. reported clinical chemistry and hematology historical control data from preclinical toxicity studies using sd rats [14], but published historical data on wistar Hannover rats relating to a general toxicity study are scarce [21]. Furthermore, age-related changes and sex differences in serum chemistry values in sd rats have been reported [18]. therefore, collection of general toxico-