ObJEctIVE: Ghrelin and leptin levels are influenced by body fat (bF%), pubertal stage and possibly insulin resistance (Ir). the aim of our study was: 1) to compare fasting ghrelin and leptin levels between obese and non-obese, adolescents, 2) to investigate possible correlations of these hormones with bF %, as well as Ir. DEsIGN: twenty obese insulin resistant (Ir) adolescents, twenty obese non Ir (NIr) and fifteen healthy non-obese, age-matched adolescents were studied. In all participants, height, weight, body mass index (bMI) and bF % were measured. Fasting glucose, insulin, ghrelin and leptin levels were determined. Ir was assessed using HOMA-Ir index. rEsuLts: bMI, bF %, insulin and HOMA-Ir values were positively correlated with leptin and negatively with ghrelin levels. A negative correlation between circulating leptin and ghrelin levels was found. A suggestive positive correlation between leptin levels and bF %, independent of bMI, was also observed (P=0.075). Ghrelin levels were significantly correlated with insulin levels and HOMA-Ir, independent of bMI (P=0.077). cONcLusIONs: Obesity and Ir may play an important role in the release of ghrelin as well as in the negative correlation between ghrelin and leptin.