Let A be the homogeneous coordinate ring of a rational normal scroll. The ring A is equal to the quotient of a polynomial ring S by the ideal generated by the two by two minors of a scroll matrix ψ with two rows and catalecticant blocks. The class group of A is cyclic, and is infinite provided is at least two. One generator of the class group is [ J ], where J is the ideal of A generated by the entries of the first column of ψ. The positive powers of J are well-understood; if is at least two, then the nth ordinary power, the nth symmetric power, and the nth symbolic power coincide and therefore all three nth powers are resolved by a generalized Eagon-Northcott complex. The inverse of [ J ] in the class group of A is [K ], where K is the ideal generated by the entries of the first row of ψ. We study the positive powers of [K ].We obtain a minimal generating set and a Gröbner basis for the preimage in S of the symbolic power K (n) . We describe a filtration of K (n) in which all of the factors are Cohen-Macaulay S-modules resolved by generalized Eagon-Northcott complexes. We use this filtration to describe the modules in a finely graded resolution of K (n) by free S-modules. We calculate the regularity of the graded S-module K (n) and we show that the symbolic Rees ring of K is Noetherian.