“…(1) Calculate DPF, (2) send the data and communication signals to the CE controller and to the other PD at the same line, (3) apply the ZO controller, (4) obtain the CE decision, (5) check if all signals from the ZO and CE controllers are received, (6) if no, make a delay and check the availability again, 7if all signals received, check the decision of ZO and CE controllers, (8) if the decision is the same, send a trip signal to the breaker, (9) if not, give more priority to the ZO decision, (10) if all the signals did not received, check the peer PD signals, (11) if the peer PD signals received, apply the ZO algorithm, and give a decision, (12) if not, check CE decision, (13) if it received, send the trip signal to the breaker, (14) if the trip signal did not executed, disconnect the closest line to the fault, (15) if CE decision did not received, send a disconnection signal.…”