Markers of inflammation and T2DM. Plasma levels of obesity/T2DM related markers [Interleukin 6 (IL-6), C-peptide, Glucagon, Insulin, Leptin, Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), Resistin, Visfatin, Ghrelin, Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP), Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and Adiponectin] were measured using Bio-Plex Pro Human Diabetes Assay panel, Bio-Rad, following the manufacturer's protocol 18. A detailed protocol is provided with supplementary materials. plasma sample preparation and metabolomics analysis. An Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography, ACQUITY UPLC System (Waters) coupled to a Quadrupole-Time of Flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer (SYNAPT-G2 HDMS, Waters) was used for untargeted metabolomics analysis. An analytical batch comprised of equal number of samples from all the study groups and their run order was randomized within a batch. The Quality control samples were prepared by pooling equal volume of aliquots from all the samples. QC samples were analyzed after every 5 th sample run. The features detected in <50% of the QC samples and <20% of the experimental samples were removed to exclude metabolites with poor repeatability in the metabolomics data. After normalization, features with a relative standard deviation of <30% in the QC samples were used for further statistical analysis. Detailed sample preparation, liquid chromatography, and tandem mass spectrometry protocol, data transformations, and metabolite identification are provided with the supplementary materials.