In this work, charge trapping in silicon nanocrystals ͑nc-Si͒ distributed throughout the gate oxide in a metal oxide semiconductor ͑MOS͒ structure has been studied. This situation is different from the conventional one with nc-Si confined in a narrow layer embedded in the gate oxide. In the latter, charge trapping in nc-Si leads to a shift in capacitance-voltage characteristic ͑i.e., a change in the flat-band voltage͒. In contrast, in the former the charge trapping leads to a dramatic reduction in the MOS capacitance. The original capacitance could be recovered after the release of the trapped charges by a small bias, UV light illumination, or low-temperature thermal annealing.Silicon nanocrystals ͑nc-Si͒ embedded in gate oxide of metal oxide semiconductor ͑MOS͒ structures are expected to play an important role in memory devices due to the nanocrystals unique charging and discharging effect. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] Charging and discharging in nc-Si are indeed very important as they are directly related to data storage/retention in the memory cells. For memory applications, the nanocrystals are normally confined in a narrow layer embedded in the gate dielectrics near the Si substrate. 9-11 However, it would be interesting to examine the charging and discharging in the nc-Si that distributes throughout the gate dielectrice specially with the nc-Si peak concentration located near the gate. For the MOS structures with such an nc-Si distribution, charging and discharging of the nc-Si are expected to occur easily and thus they will have a significant impact on the electrical characteristics of the MOS structures. Indeed, for such MOS structures, some interesting phenomena have been observed. In a previous study, 12 it was shown that charging in the nc-Si leads to a change in both the gate current and the MOS capacitance, and the change in the oxide conduction is explained by the change in the nc-Si tunneling paths due to charging/discharging in the nc-Si. In the present study, it will be shown that the capacitance can be reduced to an extremely low level by charging up the nc-Si with either a positive or a negative gate bias. Furthermore, the original capacitance can be recovered by discharging the nanocrystals with a small opposite gate bias, ultraviolet ͑UV͒ illumination, or even a low-temperature ͑100°C͒ heating. The modulation of the capacitance magnitude by charging/discharging in the nc-Si provides the possibility of memory devices application.To fabricate the MOS structures with nc-Si distributed throughout the gate oxide with its peak concentration located near the gate, a 30 nm SiO 2 film was thermally grown on p-type ͑100͒ Si wafers in dry oxygen at 950°C. Then Siϩ ions with the dose of 3 ϫ 10 16 cm Ϫ2 were implanted to the SiO 2 at 14 keV. From the transport and range of ions in matter ͑TRIM͒ simulations, the peak concentration was estimated to be at the depth of ϳ20 nm. Thermal annealing was carried out at 1000°C in N 2 ambient for 1 h to induce nc-Si formation. The annealing can also eliminate ...