Background: There have been significant spatio-temporal variations in how the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded in different parts of the country. While a huge amount of data related to the COVID-19 pandemic has become available including data on disease outcomes, different kinds of behaviors and diverse interventions, along with a number of co-variates, analyzing this data to characterize the spatio-temporal variations and gleaning actionable insights and hypotheses on different factors driving the pandemic remains a big challenge. The objective of this study is to identify in an unsupervised fashion the key spatio-temporal patterns, anomalies, and associated factors in the spread of COVID-19 in different regions that can be used in the development of models and the planning of public health policies. Methods: We present a topological data analysis (TDA) framework for exploring COVID-19 data that supports two types of analytical functions: i) discover disease epochs in the trajectories that reveal spatio-temporal events of interest; and ii) modeland better elucidate interactions between variables of different disease outcomes (e.g., number of cases, hospitalizations , deaths) and intervention mechanisms (e.g., social distancing, contract tracing). Results: Our TDA framework reveals several insights in an automated manner by identifying co-evolving and divergent cohorts of states with respect to various disease outcomes (e.g., number of new cases) and measures of behavior or interventions (e.g. social distancing, COVID exposure, hospital bed utilization). Our framework also identifies the branching points at which the different cohorts start evolving separately. Conclusions: The illustrative case studies show that our TDA-based analytical framework can help navigate the epidemic data landscape in an automated and guided manner, and can provide insights to formulate hypotheses and devise sound, data-aided public health policies.