A B S "BuckneN University has developed a senior-design course using a combination of CAD tool famili&dion, and presentations on specific and group topics that are critical to various aspects of IC design Students complete a full-custom CMOS VLSX design and in some cases submit their design for fabrication at MOSIS.Nationally, undergraduate electrical engineering cumcula are under review for their design content. This review is driven both b the Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology (AsEl$ reviews, which are emphatic in their demands for significant design content in the cumcula, and by industry, which has been disappointed with the problem-solving slulls and creativity of current electrical engineering aduates. Design, however, is a difficult concept to define. A Erge portion of the national debate on design in electrical engineerin cumcula focuses on the definition of design. Emerging kom these discussions is a consensus that design components of the cumculum must present open-ended problems which offer alternative solutions or approaches.When faced with typical class sizes, open-ended design problems, with their multiple solutions, present a significant challenge for engineering faculty to evaluate. Students too, are faced with a dilemma. For the student, aside from resortin to construction of the project, which is time consuming and often does not provide substantial insight into the design process, computer-based simulation and analysis tools must be used to assess their design. Unfortunately, in many areas of electrical engineering, either the computer-based analysis and design tools are too rudimentary, computational time excessive, or software costs exceeds the University's means. Fortunately in the area of VLSI, industry and academia have devoted considerable time and expense to the development of accurate, effective, and realistic computer-based design and analysis tools. Bucknell University has developed a senior-design course which uses some of these tools for CMOS VLSI design.
Course Overviewcourse for electrical engineering stufents. Students enter t E VLSI course following a two-course electronics se uence; students complete a full-custom CMOS VLSI design by %e end of the semester-long VLSI course.During the initial approximately six weeks of the VLSI course, students are familiarized with the CAD tools through several shorter design projects. T ically, these initial projects are one or two weeks in duration. Yrojects assigned durinbthis familiarization phase have included: optimum sizing of C OS inverters for mimmum ro agation delay; a maximum density, 400fix400p one-bit KO&; a 2-bit parallel multiplier; and an expandable 4-bit arithmetic logic unit. The results from these projects vary widely in quality. For instance, using 3-K technology, within a 4 0 0~ x 400p total area, sizes of the one-bit ROM designs have ranged from 16 bits upwards to 256 bits inclusive of the row and column decoders. Throughout these shorter projects, students gain familiarity with the graphical layout tools, des...