A single‐input dual‐output (SIDO) converter is proposed in the research article for usage in electric vehicle (EV) applications. The main objectives of the proposed integrated Luo‐Buck converter (ILBC) based BLDC drive system are to develop a multi‐purpose converter with low complexity and high efficiency, as well as to reach the rated speed of BLDC‐based vehicles. The multi‐output converter is generally employed in EV applications because of the primary load and extra auxiliary loads like sensors, power steering, headlights, and so on. The proposed system achieves both of the aforementioned objectives. As there are just two switches, fewer gate driver circuits are required, which indirectly lowers the complexity of the circuit. Since they do not require large duty cycles, ILBC switches experience less voltage and current stress. The switches can only be used at duty cycles of 60% and 30%. For design purposes, output filter capacitor sizes are likewise maintained to a minimum. The 1.2 kW BLDC is powered by the ILBC, which has a maximum efficiency of 96.16%, in order to validate the suggested system using the hardware prototype model. The rated speed can be attained with the least amount of timing. Additionally, the suggested approach lessens voltage and torque ripple.