Work-life balance is not a new thing in today's era. People are striving their best in order to achieve good well-being, balancing their working and personal life in today's high cost of living. Therefore, most families are forced to get more pay through dual income earner. This article examined the relationships between both parents' work-life balance and life satisfaction and systematically reviews journal articles on the topic of dual earner income and Work-Life Balance. The following themes were used to assess the selected studies specifically to identify: (i) the importance of Work-Life Balance (WLB); and (ii) the impacts on dual earner income on Work-Life Balance (WLB). Online university database was used to identify relevant studies on the objectives of this paper. The findings of the study found due to work-to-family and family-to-work challenges, dual-earner income households struggle to preserve work-life balance. Employers should provide flexible working arrangements to their employees in order to give working parents options while managing their employment and family commitments. For further researches, a qualitative research should be carried out in searching broader views and opinions from respondents about the impacts of experiencing dual earner income families towards the children's wellbeing.