The aim of this research is to analyze and predict results after implementing Regional Regulation no. 15 of 2018 concerning the authority to collect PBB-P2 by regional governments. The method used is a quantitative method which is a form of research carried out systematically, structured and detailed. The research results show that the level of PBB-P2 effectiveness is on average effective, the growth rate value increases, while the contribution value of PBB-P2 is considered less than optimal. Based on PBB-P2 forecasting for 2023, it is estimated that there will be an increase of 26.70%. The policy of the Regional Government of Karawang Regency to increase the NJOP PBB-P2 as regulated in Regional Regulation No. 15 of 2018 can be said to be appropriate, because the effectiveness, contribution and growth rate of PBB-P2 has a positive impact, in line with PBB-P2 forecasting for 2023. Implications This research provides input for the Regional Government to maintain government performance, especially in supporting the government's original income, which will automatically help accelerate national economic recovery, especially after the new normal era.