“…TOPSIS uses the principle that the chosen alternative must have the closest distance from the positive ideal solution and the farthest distance from the negative ideal solution from a geometric point of view by using the distance between two points to determine the relative closeness of an alternative with the optimal solution. (Abdillah, 2017;Muzakkir, 2017;Mahmudi, & Tahwin, 2016;Larasati, Setyaningrum, & Wardhani, 2016;Herawatie, & Wuryanto, 2017;Wahyuni, Khairunnisa, Abriyani, Muchlis, & Ulfa, 2017;Gustriansyah, 2016;Al Azis, Cholissodin, & Furqon, 2017;Kurniawan, Mustafidah, & Shofiyani, 2015; The order in using the TOPSIS method is as follows: 1. Make a decision matrix according to the problem to be solved, then do the normalization of the matrix with the equation.…”