Despite stiff international competition in the global market, world-class manufacturers are increasing their market share and profits through low-cost production, waste reduction in manufacturing, production of high quality products, and exceptional customer service. Six Sigma has been successfully implemented in this regard. In this paper, a selected survey of Six Sigma literature is presented to illustrate the wide scope of the application of the concept. This could be of immense benefit to organizations' top management who need to understand the critical variables and factors for the successful implementation of Six Sigma programmes, leading to substantial, sustainable long-term improvement in performance results, value for money, and effort. The paper presents motivated pointers-substantiated as far as possible by data and evidence-to key success factors, variables, and their interrelationships. OPSOMMING Sterk internasionale mededinging ten spyt verhoog wêreldklasvervaardigers hul markaandeel en winste via laekosteproduksie, skrootvermindering, die produksie van gehalteprodukte en die lewering van primadiens aan klante. Ses Sigma is in hierdie verband as gereedskap suksesvol geïmplimenteer. Die artikel behandel 'n gekeurde oorsig van Ses Sigmaliteratuur om sodoende die toepassingsveldwyde van die konsep te illustreer. Die artikel is nuttig vir organisasiebestuurders uit die oogpunt van veranderlikes en suksesfaktore wat deur die Ses Sigmametode tot substansiële en volhoubare langtermyn verbeterings van 'n onderneming kan lei.