We calculate short-time diffusion properties of suspensions of porous colloidal particles as a function of their permeability, for the full fluid-phase concentration range. The particles are modeled as spheres of uniform permeability with excluded volume interactions. Using a precise multipole method encoded in the HYDROMULTIPOLE program, results are presented for the hydrodynamic function, H(q), sedimentation coefficient, and self-diffusion coefficient with a full account of manybody hydrodynamic interactions. While self-diffusion and sedimentation are strongly permeability dependent, the wavenumber dependence of the hydrodynamic function can be reduced, by appropriate shifting and scaling, to a single master curve, independent of permeability. Generic features of the permeable sphere model are discussed.Suspensions of solvent-permeable colloidal particles can be found in a great variety of synthesized materials. Examples are fuzzy-sphere systems consisting of highly porous, cross-linked microgel spheres exhibiting large volume changes as a function of temperature [1,2]. Another experimentally well-studied class of permeable colloids are core-shell-like particles consisting of an impermeable rigid core and a permeable stabilizing layer of some soft material [3,4], such as grafted polymers [5,6]. Despite the importance of permeable particles both from a fundamental viewpoint and in terms of applications, little is known theoretically about transport properties in non-dilute systems, such as self-and collective diffusion coefficients. The calculation of transport properties is a challenging problem since one has to cope with manybody hydrodynamic interactions (HIs) by accounting for the fluid flow inside the porous particles relative to their skeletons. A better control on diffusion and viscoelastic properties for industrial processing of concentrated colloids requires a deeper understanding of the influence of the HIs.Theoretical and simulation work on diffusion and sedimentation of porous particles was primarily concerned so far with dilute systems. Chen and Cai [7] calculated the sedimentation velocity in a suspension of uniformly porous spheres to first order in the volume fraction φ, demonstrating that sedimentation is quite sensitive to direct interactions and permeability. Mo and Sangani [8] used a multipole expansion method for hydrodynamically interacting porous spheres to obtain numerical results for the average drag force per particle in random and in bcc fixed-bed arrays.Clearly, there is a strong demand on exploring generic HIs effects in concentrated porous particle systems where pairwise additivity approximations are bound to fail. In this letter, we describe a comprehensive simulation study of short-time diffusion properties for systems of permeable non-overlapping spheres. Our study covers the whole fluid-phase regime including concentrated systems with strong many-body HIs. The considered permeability range from fully impermeable to strongly permeable particles. Numerical results are presented f...